Strengthening capacities of cultural institutions and other key stakeholders on protection and promotion of cultural heritage and cultural programming for social inclusion is a fundamental aspect for community ownership, sustainable and durable changes.

Special attention is given to the capacity building and skills development of local CSOs and cultural institutions, authorities and government officials, teachers, professionals in the sector and artists.
CISP focuses on building partnerships with relevant somali stakeholders in every phase of the project, including design, planning, implementation and monitoring. Starting from existing skills and knowledge, CISP supports the process of change, while developing capacities, enhancing local ownership, commitment and motivation. In particular:

Authorities, CSOs and Cultural Institutions

  • Promotion of Inclusion and Sense of Citizenship through Culture and Art.
  • Cultural Heritage Management and Promotion.
  • Database of Cultural Heritage sites and mapping.
  • UNESCO Conventions on Cultural Heritage and cultural industries.

Schools and Teachers

  • Mainstreaming Culture and Arts for Inclusion within the Extracurricular Activities.

Community Leaders

  • Promoting norms that encourage a culture of inclusion and sense of citizenships through community dialogues.

Artists and Professionals in Cultural Sector

  • Labour Market Survey to inform skills trainings.
  • Business skills and Start up kits for youth and women in the cultural sector.
  • Technical Skills for youth and women within the cultural sector (poetry, visual, photography).
  • Workshops of Arts for Change using innovative methodologies.